Preventive General Maintenance & Cleaning for Projector (for Schools only)

Before maintenance 1 after maintenance 1

red crossDusty projector exterior and bracket which might be a health hazard

red crossDirty and choked/clogged air filter and air vent will result in overheating, reduce projector and the lamp lifespan

red crossDusty projector lens will result in blur projection

red crossBlurry projector lamp will result in reduce projection brightness

green tickVacuumed, brushed and cleaned projector exterior and bracket for better air circulation and better studying environment

green tickCleaned air filter and air vent to prevent overheating  and to prolong parts and lamp lifespan

green tickCleaned projector lens for clearer projection

green tickCleaned projector lamp for brighter projection



 List of Service Performed during maintenance

general projector maintenance and cleaning 1

general projector maintenance and cleaning 2

general projector maintenance and cleaning 3

general projector maintenance and cleaning 4

general projector maintenance and cleaning 5

check box green tick General checking of projector and projector lamp whether is in working condition
check box green tick General cleaning of projector brackets, projector exterior and air vents for better air circulation and better studying environment
check box green tick Cleaning of projector air filter and air vent to prevent overheating and to prolong parts and lamp lifespan
check box green tick Polishing of projector lens for clearer projection
check box green tick Cleaning ot dusty projector filter
check box green tick Reset of projector air filter timer only for selected models. Alignment of projector
check box green tick General checking of cables, patch panels and speakers for technical issue (Optional add on: Visualiser)
check box green tick A detail assessment report and a list of recommendations will be given to the customer after the maintenance
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